An acupuncture Clinic located in Newtown, Bucks County, PA

Specializing in Fertility, reproductive & Hormonal wellness, and Pregnancy & postpartum support

True health and wellness is rooted in deep support and intention. Too many of us have felt unheard and unsupported in our health experiences.

Ready to be heard?

Ready to be heard?

Are you struggling to become pregnant?

Going through IVF, IUI, or other assisted reproductive technologies and need support?

Need support through miscarriage or recurrent miscarriages?

Struggling with PCOS or Endometriosis?

Are you experiencing painful menstrual cycles?

Irregular periods? Hormonal imbalances?

Grappling with symptoms of menopause?

Pregnant and need support?

Experiencing postpartum complaints?

Hi, I’m Micaela. I’m the acupuncturist and owner of Raku Acupuncture in Newtown, Bucks County PA. I specialize in treating fertility & reproductive health as well as pregnancy and postpartum support.

Ready to get started?

Book an appointment with me today.

How it works

  • Raku Acupuncture office in Newtown PA

    1. Book an appointment

    I offer an initial session for new patients and a follow up session for all return patients.

    I also offer a free fifteen minute phone consultation in case you have any questions for me!

    You can book any of those appointments online by clicking here.

  • Raku Acupuncture treatment room in Newtown PA with a patient on the acupuncture table being treated for fertility before IVF

    2. Get Treatment Personalized to You

    In Chinese medicine, every patient is approached individually. No two treatments are identical. This allows us to dive deep into your own personal experiences and create a treatment plan specifically for you.

  • Raku Acupuncture clinic room in Newtown PA with the acupuncturist treating a patient for fertility and reproductive health.

    3. Start Feeling Better

    Acupuncture facilitates bringing the body back into its natural balance so that it can heal itself. The whole body is addressed in acupuncture treatments, not just the symptoms. It is not surprising to experience better sleep, improved digestion, more energy, or less pain.

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