Can Acupuncture Help Turn a Breech Baby?

Yes, acupuncture can help to support the turning of a breech baby!

Here is why it works: From evidence and research we know that instead of physically moving the baby like an ECV, this protocol actually allows the uterus to expand and create more space for the baby. This new space then allows the baby to naturally flip and shift around! So cool. If you would like to read more research studies on the effectiveness of breech position, you can read more here and here.

And here is some more good news: The process is simple and relaxing.

Here is what it would look like:

You would lay on your side, we would use a few acupuncture needles in key spots, and then we would gently burn an herb over a key acupuncture point called Bladder 67. Bladder 67 is found on your pinky toes, just near the nail itself. The herb that we burn is called mugwort. It does not directly touch or burn your skin, all you would feel is a gentle and pleasant warmth sensation. I would then give you some moxa to take home, with my moxa guide, and instruction to use that moxa every day, 2 times a day on the same acupuncture point (often times having your partner stepping in to help).

Often times the birthing person reports that the baby starts moving and shifting around like crazy, especially once we begin the moxa! I firmly believe this is because the uterus suddenly has some more wiggle room and they are taking advantage of that. That being said, moxibustion can provide a great support and option to help flip the baby to the proper positioning before an ECV or scheduled c-section. I generally find that the earlier in pregnancy, the easier it is to flip a baby. I tend to like to see patients before 36 weeks. The larger the baby gets, the harder it can be to flip the baby.

However, there are a few times where using moxibustion is not appropriate to flip a breech baby. They are as follows:

  • Oligohydramnios and Polyhydramnios (too little or too much amniotic fluid)

  • Known fetal abnormalitie/any growth issues

  • Premature labor/PROM(when the amniotic sac opens too early)

  • Gestational diabetes

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)

  • Placenta previa (where the placenta is near the cervix)

  • A history of any vaginal bleeding in pregnancy

  • Bicornuate uterus (unicorn uterus, where there is a septum/wall in the uterus)

  • Multiple babies (like twins, triplets, etc)

  • Any other concern in which ECV is contraindicated by the health care provider

    Disclaimer: This article is not intended for the purpose of providing medical advice. All information, content and material is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment.


How acupuncture improves fertility
