offerings + pricinG

  • Micaela treats a patient at Raku Acupuncture in Doylestown, Bucks County, PA

    Initial Appointment

    Length: 90 minutes


    Intention: This is the initial treatment and it is a little bit longer because it includes getting to know you, your goals, concerns, how I can support you and a personalized acupuncture treatment.

  • Acupuncture treatment for fertility and hormonal balance in Doylestown, Bucks County, PA

    Follow Up Appointment

    Length: 60 minutes


    Intention: This continues and builds on what we know from your initial appointment. We check in together on how the first treatment went and noting areas of improvement and areas we need to focus more on.

  • Telephone consult - answer any acupuncture questions about my acupuncture clinic in Newtown, Bucks County PA

    Free Telephone Consultation

    Length: 15 minutes


    I offer an optional phone consultation with me prior to any initial acupuncture treatment. We can discuss any questions you may have, any concerns, and my professional opinion on how acupuncture could help you.

    You get to meet me and I get to meet you, over the phone!

Your Next Step

A person schedules an appointment with Raku Acupuncture in Doylestown, PA

Reach Out

You can schedule an optional 15 minute free phone consultation by clicking here. We can discuss any questions you may have, any concerns, and my professional opinion on how acupuncture could help you.

Micaela at Raku Acupuncture treats a patient in Doylestown, PA


To schedule your first initial acupuncture appointment, you can do so by clicking here.

Woman breastfeeding a baby indoors, helped to conceive and in the postpartum period with acupuncture.

Get Relief & Support

Congratulate yourself on taking a brave step forward to feeling better and supporting your health and wellness!