Can Acupuncture Help With Circulation?

Short answer, yes it can!

Acupuncture is a viable treatment approach to improving circulation because by using specific acupuncture points, acupuncture can enhance the circulation of blood through the body. And with that improved circulation, you will see improved circulation of not only blood, but what blood carries. Improved circulation means more oxygen, nutrients, and vital energy to various tissues and organs. This technique is often used to address conditions related to poor circulation, such as cold hands and feet, muscle cramps, and general fatigue. During an acupuncture session, fine needles are inserted at strategic points to stimulate the body's natural healing responses and promote better blood circulation. This may help alleviate symptoms and support overall well-being.

Another thing worth noting is that not only can the hands and feet be supported, but various organs can also be supported with improved blood flow. For example, it can also help with circulation to the uterus, ovaries, reproductive organs! And that is essential when you are trying to conceive, regulate your menstrual cycle, manage PCOS, endometriosis. With circulation comes all of the amazing things in blood- oxygen, vitamins, minerals, basically nourishment. There is a lot of research out there how acupuncture can increase and direct blood flow to the body. When we are working on fertility support, I cannot emphasize how crucial it is that the reproductive organs have as much support as possible! It can also increase blood flow to the digestive organs, improving digestive function overall.

In short, yes, acupuncture is amazing at improving circulation, but not just for the hands and feet. It can support your overall well being, which is the essential root of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended for the purpose of providing medical advice. All information, content and material is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment.


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